The Dark Adventures of Mermaid Lorelei (Enchanted Conch Shell) by Shelley Wykoff
The Dark Adventures of Mermaid Lorelei (Enchanted Conch Shell) by Shelley Wykoff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Imagine being a fourteen year old again and finding an enchanted conch shell in the Pacific Ocean, a shell that seems to give off a neon light and spiritual energy of its own. The magical shell will only come to the rightful owner and share its' purpose, and instructs you to put it up to your ear to hear your dark adventure. That's what happens in The Dark Adventure of Mermaid Lorelei, and what starts my protagonist off on a dark magical adventure that many youth and children of any age especially ones that love to see kindness triumph over evil and goodness and purpose win out over destruction and greed.
Would you believe in the magic of a conch shell that finds you with your name inscribed already on the inside of it? The conch claims to be magical and even has musical instructions for you to follow. Would you follow them? What if you did? Would you expect anything to happen? That's what happened to the group of young teens; Lorelei, Ricky, Scott and Donnie. Lorelei (Laura) finds the conch and with the help of her friends will follow its' instructions. What happened to them was totally unexpected and quite frightening. It led them to an adventure that many might think impossible to believe, but it did.
You be the judge.
The Dark Adventures of Mermaid Lorelei By Shelley Wykoff
The Enchanted Conch Shell Series Book 1 is a dark fantasy adventure targeted at Middle school Grade readers.
This book is "G" rated.
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