The Glory of the Messiah: An Adult Coloring Book by Susan Perlman
The Glory of the Messiah: An Adult Coloring Book by Susan Perlman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An Immersive, Creative Journey with the MessiahWhile we may know what the Bible says about the Messiah, do we truly know him? In the rush of life, it can be hard to quiet ourselves enough to see and experience his glory. But now you can.
In this one-of-a-kind coloring experience, you will go on a journey through the Bible. Each beautiful, hand-drawn picture illustrates a pivotal prophecy and its fulfillment in the Messiah. Every spread features Old and New Testament Scripture passages from the Tree of Life Bible translation as well as a key Hebrew word, and its English translation, from the text.
As you color and create, open your heart to meditate on these prophecies--and their fulfillment in Jesus--and discover the glory of the Messiah anew.
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