Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ William Shakespeare and His Bible by I. D. E. Thomas

William Shakespeare and His Bible by I. D. E. Thomas

William Shakespeare and His Bible

William Shakespeare and His Bible by I. D. E. Thomas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

William Shakespeare is one of the most interesting men of the past thousand years. In fact, he was voted the number one man of the last millennium in the British Empire. When you think of all the personalities that excelled in the arts, science, literature, military and politics in the last thousnad years, to pick Shakespeare as number one certainly magnifies his importance to the Western world. Shakespeare's influence is unsurpassed. And the Bard of Avon excelled not only in the field of literature, but also in the moral and spiritual realms of our culture.

Here Dr. Thomas answers many questions about this man:

*Was there really a Shakespeare?
*Was he Catholic, Protestant, or Puritan?
*To which church did he belong?
*Which Bible did he use?
*Why did so many characters in his plays commit suicide?
*What about his family and personal life?

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