Senin, 05 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ 44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons by Bill Brooks, Joanna Summerscales

44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons by Bill Brooks, Joanna Summerscales

44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons

44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons by Bill Brooks, Joanna Summerscales PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Bill Brooks was always a bit of an outsider - he just didn't fit in, and now he thinks he knows why. Bill is a former British soldier, an ordinary man, that is until the age of 44 when suddenly all hell broke loose. He didn't realise he had amnesia until he experienced what he calls 'a download' of information revealing a lifetime of UFO abductions and covert military experimentation on him. His compelling story shatters some of the widely held beliefs concerning our place in Creation and the true nature of what we think of as our reality. It is an expedition into high strangeness with some disturbing aspects, as well as the triumph of the human spirit over an evil which seems almost impossible to understand. In order to lift the veils of secrecy surrounding the UFO ET enigma, (post amnesia) Bill takes us on a journey through his early childhood and encounters with Nordics, Reptilians, shadow entities and Grey aliens. We then move into his army years where events continue with a military association, and Bill is put through MKUltra type mind control programming. Along the way he is pursued and persecuted by elements of the Freemasons who murder his cousin. A disturbing, strange and paranormal scenario brings him into contact with the infamous serial killers, Rosemary and Fred West, when he finds he bears, at one point in his life, an uncanny resemblance to Fred, with consequences he could never have imagined. For all its high strangeness, Bill's story is told with a raw humour, earthiness and honesty. It represents his attempt to reassemble the extraordinary jigsaw puzzle that is his life. It has also taken him to the brink of death several times. So sit back and buckle yourself in because you're in for an interesting ride! READER DISCRETION WARNING There are elements of this story that you may find extremely distressing. Please be aware, this book is not for the faint hearted.

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44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons by Bill Brooks, Joanna Summerscales Doc

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44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction, Men in Black, A Serial Killer and Persecution by the Freemasons by Bill Brooks, Joanna Summerscales EPub

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