Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure (The Wiley Finance Series) by Helyette Geman

Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure (The Wiley Finance Series) by Helyette Geman

Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure (The Wiley Finance Series)

Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure (The Wiley Finance Series) by Helyette Geman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A comprehensive resource for understanding the complexities of agricultural finance

Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water, and Infrastructure is a pioneering book that offers a comprehensive resource for understanding the worldwide agriculture markets, from spikes in agricultural commodity prices to trading strategies, and the agribusiness industry generally to the challenges of feeding the planet in particular. The book also goes in-depth on the topics of land, water, fertilizers, biofuels, and ethanol. Written by Helyette Geman—an industry expert in commodity derivatives—this book explores the agricultural marketplace and the cycles in agricultural commodity prices that can be the key to investor success.

This resource addresses a wide range of other important topics as well, including agricultural insurance, energy, shipping and bunker prices, sustainability, investments in land, subsidies, agricultural derivatives, and farming risk-management. Other topics covered include structured products and agricultural commodities ETFs; trade finance in an era of credit shortage; securitization and commodity-linked notes; grains: wheat, corn, soybeans; softs: coffee, cocoa, cotton; shipping as a key component of agricultural trade; and the major agricultural shipping routes and the costs. The book:

  • Offers the first comprehensive resource that deals with the all aspects of agricultural finance
  • Includes information that is crucial for pension funds, asset managers, hedge funds, agribusiness corporates, CTAs and regulators
  • Covers a range of topics from agricultural bunker prices, futures, options to major shipping routes and the costs

This text is a must-have resource for accessing the information required to trade successfully in the agricultural marketplace.

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