Rabu, 22 April 2015

PDF⋙ Cloth Doll Artistry: Design and Costuming Techniques for Flat and Fully Sculpted Figures by Barbara Willis

Cloth Doll Artistry: Design and Costuming Techniques for Flat and Fully Sculpted Figures by Barbara Willis

Cloth Doll Artistry: Design and Costuming Techniques for Flat and Fully Sculpted Figures

Cloth Doll Artistry: Design and Costuming Techniques for Flat and Fully Sculpted Figures by Barbara Willis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In this unique and beautiful book, beloved doll-designer Barbara Willis guides readers through various approaches to doll design and basic and advanced construction techniques. Through the creation of three complete step-by-step projects, readers will develop color boards, learn to use vintage images, create both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional cloth dolls, learn sophisticated costuming techniques, and gain knowledge of elaborate soft sculpting. A gallery shares the inspirational work of several well-known doll artists who have created their own versions of each project. Complete patterns and templates are included.

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Cloth Doll Artistry: Design and Costuming Techniques for Flat and Fully Sculpted Figures by Barbara Willis EPub

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