Learning Dart by Ivo Balbaert, Dzenan Ridjanovic
Learning Dart by Ivo Balbaert, Dzenan Ridjanovic PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Learn how to program applications with Dart 1.0,a language specifically designed to produce
betterstructured, highperformance applications
About This Book
- Develop apps for the Web using Dart and HTML5
- Build powerful HTML5 forms, validate and store data in local storage, and use web components to build your own user interface
- Make games by drawing and integrate audio and video in the browser
- Learn how to develop an application with the help of a model-driven and fast-paced approach
Who This Book Is For
If you want to become a web developer, or perhaps you already are a web developer but you want to add Dart to your tool belt, then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have at least some knowledge of HTML and how web applications work. Some previous programming experience, preferably in a modern language like C#, Java, Python, Ruby, or JavaScript, will also give you a head start. You can also work with Dart on your preferred platform, be it Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows.
What You Will Learn
- Structure your code using functions, classes, generics, packages, and libraries
- Model web applications with domain model frameworks
- Use the power of modern browsers for processing and storing data
- Build web games in HTML5 and code them in Dart
- Get an overview of the available UI and MVC frameworks to use with Dart
- Build the complex UI needed in business applications with Dart's Polymer framework based on web components
- Store your data with MongoDB, one of the most popular NoSQL databases, and access your MongoDB databases from Dart
In Detail
Dart is a new open source programming language for the Web. Developed by Google, Dart is gaining popularity and has a steadily growing community. It is a single language for both client and server that can be used with a wide range of devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, and servers. It encompasses the lessons that have been learned over the last two decades of web programming. Stop solving new challenges with the same old tools - let Dart show you a whole new way.
"Learning Dart" provides you with a thorough overview of this new open source programming language. It will guide you step-by-step through building games and business applications for the Web, taking advantage of the power behind a modern language combined with HTML5.
"Learning Dart" starts by exploring the Dart ecosystem. This is followed by two chapters that will show you everything you need to know about Dart's syntax and development principles. Throughout the rest of the book, you will apply this knowledge to advanced topics with the help of an example-based approach.
You will explore how to build web games using HTML5, how to integrate audio and video into your applications, and how to process and show data in HTML5 forms with Dart. The book also shows you how web components fit together with HTML5 and how to apply them in business web applications. You also learn how to store data on the client, how to communicate data between client and server with JSON, and how to store JSON data with MongoDB.
"Learning Dart" provides you with everything you need to know to start or enhance your career in web development.
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