Senin, 08 September 2014

PDF⋙ Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 1 by Paul Preuss

Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 1 by Paul Preuss

Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 1

Arthur C. Clarke's Venus Prime 1 by Paul Preuss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Code name: Sparta. Her beauty veils a mysterious past and abilities far surpassing those of a normal human being: Sparta is the first product of advanced biotech engineering. But crucial memories of the past three years are locked away in the dark recesses of her brain. Who is she really? Why is she here on Earth now? And what has she been doing on Venus Station? As Sparta desperately searches for answers, she realizes that she must unlock the mystery of who she is before she can solve the greater mystery of what has been done to her and why.

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