Rabu, 10 September 2014

PDF⋙ Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross by Henri Nouwen

Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross by Henri Nouwen

Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross

Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross by Henri Nouwen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book of meditations by Henri Nouwen, inspired by a series of drawings by Sr. Helen David, represents traditional Stations of the Cross through the passion and suffering of the world's poor. A political prisoner behind bars, a peasant burdened by a load of wood, an abandoned child, a mother grieving for her murdered son, an exhausted farmer, four martyred churchwomen . . . In these images Nouwen sees the ongoing passion of Christ.

Sr. Helen's drawings are stark and moving, but they do not lead to despair. Rather, they "help us unite our own broken humanity with the humanity of the men, women, and children portrayed . . . This union becomes possible through the suffering and risen body of Jesus. In and through Jesus, our world can become one because in this divine love he embraces all of us, and desire that we all be one as he and his father are one."

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Walk with Jesus: Stations of the Cross by Henri Nouwen EPub

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