Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Food and Culture: A Reader

Food and Culture: A Reader

Food and Culture: A Reader

Food and Culture: A Reader PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The classic book that helped to define and legitimize the field of food and culture studies is now available, with major revisions, in a specially affordable e-book version (978-0-203-07975-1). 

The third edition includes 40 original essays and reprints of previously published classics under 5 Sections: FOUNDATIONS, HEGEMONY AND DIFFERENCE, CONSUMPTION AND EMBODIMENT, FOOD AND GLOBALIZATION, and CHALLENGING, CONTESTING, AND TRANSFORMING THE FOOD SYSTEM.

17 of the 40 articles included are either, new to this edition, rewritten by their original authors, or edited by Counihan and van Esterik. 

A bank of test items applicable to each article in the book is available to instructors interested in selecting this edition for course use. Simply send an e.mail to the publisher at companionaccess@informa.com.

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