The Vegan Chocolate Seduction Cookbook: 30 Romantic, Sexy, Playful Recipes for Passionate Chocolate Lovers (All Dairy-Free & Egg-Free, Most Gluten-Free) by Dave Wheitner
The Vegan Chocolate Seduction Cookbook: 30 Romantic, Sexy, Playful Recipes for Passionate Chocolate Lovers (All Dairy-Free & Egg-Free, Most Gluten-Free) by Dave Wheitner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pamper your mouth and body with 30 dark, decadent vegan chocolate recipes, 26 also gluten-free. Experience 30 accompanying "seduction activities" for connecting with your partner in a sexy, romantic, sensual, emotionally intimate, or playful way--often while eating your dessert. From the author of the award-winning Global Vegan Waffle Cookbook. Enjoy vegan cookies, mug cake, ice cream, drinks, and rich no-bake desserts, with deliciously flirtatious names like Curry Up and Kiss Me Squares and Soft Wet Kisses. Choose from four delicious vegan brownie recipes, each one sure to have your lover or your guests om-noming and thanking you. Experience the excitement of cocoa in combination with several of its soul mates, including warm ginger, classic peanut butter, and blackstrap molasses. And because the chocolate recipes in this vegan cookbook are all free of animal-derived products, you’ll be making love in more ways than one. Makes a fun little add-on wedding gift, Valentine's Day present, anniversary gift, or item for any romantic couple's occasion.From reader reviews:
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