A kink's personal A-Z guide to BDSM: Everything you ever wanted to know by alister mcleod
A kink's personal A-Z guide to BDSM: Everything you ever wanted to know by alister mcleod PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is an A to Z guide with a difference because these are true life accounts from a slave written for his Mistress of things that actually happen. Through the text there are accounts of actual sessions covering the A to Z of what we have actually done. This has been real fun and we want to show everyone what sort of things you can do. There is something for everyone to try and experiment to find what suits you. It is a book for men, women, novices, the curious , Mistresses and their subs, slaves and anyone who is curious about what happens in the world of BDSM. We show you how to have fun in safety. This is an adult book.From reader reviews:
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