Sewing For Dummies by Jan Saunders Maresh
Sewing For Dummies by Jan Saunders Maresh PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The most complete guide to sewing basicsPeople are always looking for ways to cut expenses and be creative and stylish at the same time. Learning to sew is a great way to arm yourself with the skills to repair and create clothing and furnishings for yourself and your family for little to no cost. But learning how to sew and how to choose the tools and supplies to begin sewing can be confusing.
Now, you can turn to this hands-on, friendly guide for the most up-to-date information, the best techniques, and fun projects for learning (or brushing up on) the art of sewing.
- Easy-to-follow instructions and step-by-step illustrations make it easier to learn
- Fresh new patterns, projects, stitches, and techniques for fashion and the home
- Budget-conscious tips for breathing new life into existing garments
Complete with a section on common sewing mistakes and how to avoid them, Sewing For Dummies, 3rd edition gives you the confidence and know-how to sew like a pro.
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