Sabtu, 05 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Introduction to Clinical Neurology by Douglas J. MD Gelb

Introduction to Clinical Neurology by Douglas J. MD Gelb

Introduction to Clinical Neurology

Introduction to Clinical Neurology by Douglas J. MD Gelb PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Newly updated to reflect recent discoveries, fifth edition of Introduction to Clinical Neurology covers all the take home points beneficial to everyone who relies on this quick and handy guide. This book focuses on the "how" and "why" of clinical neurology. It includes extensive factual material about individual disease processes, but the emphasis is on information that is important for understanding why patients with neurologic conditions are managed the way they are. This book covers what clinicians need to know in order to assess and manage the patients they will encounter in general medical practice, including the application of a logical approach to diagnosis, neurologic examination and how to interpret the findings, and the management of specific disease categories and symptoms. A highly accessible and engaging text, this is the go-to in all things neurology.

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