Modern Canadian Plays: Volume 2
Modern Canadian Plays: Volume 2 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In one way or another, we are shown ourselves as we are, and not in the critically-neutral, determinedly naïve terms of the contemporary mainstream in which we are all represented as gloriously enmeshed in a world of cybernetic stringencythe uncomplicated aesthetic of a never-ending stream of zeroes and ones.
If the plays presented in these two volumes are the contours of an indigenous Canadian drama,” they outline anything but a norm.
The plays in this fourth edition of Modern Canadian Plays: Volume II date from 1985 to 1997:
Bordertown Café by Kelly Rebar
Polygraph by Robert Lepage and Marie Brassard
Moo by Sally Clark
The Orphan Muses by Michel Marc Bouchard
7 Stories by Morris Panych
Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing by Tomson Highway
Amigo’s Blue Guitar by Joan MacLeod
Lion in the Streets by Judith Thomson
Never Swim Alone by Daniel MacIvor
Fronteras Americanas by Guillermo Verdecchia
Harlem Duet by Djanet Sears
Problem Child by George F. Walker
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